III International Summer School "Modern Challenges in Economic Science and Practice" took place at SibFU from 11 to 21 July 2017 (ISS-2017).
The general topic of the ISS-2017: National economic policy and business development.
39 students from Russian and Chinese universities took part in III International Summer School: Siberian Federal University, Southern Federal University, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Northeast Normal University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Harbin University of Commerce, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Capital University of Economics and Business, Northeast normal university, Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics.
SibFU teachers, invited Russian and foreign professors and researchers conducted a large two-week cycle of lectures, seminars and trainings on national economic policy and business development. The school was held in the campus of the Siberian Federal University and apart from educational program included a vast cultural program.
Working language: English.
Photo-report of the official School opening ceremony as well as shots of the School's first day work are here...
Vivid stories and more photo — in our groups VK , Facebook
The educational program of the school included following modules:
- Organizational and Activity Workshop. Moderator — Professor Boris Khasan, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department for Human Resources management of Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
- Knowledge and Technologies Transfer Policies. Lecturer — Dr. Niclas Rüffer, Ph.D. (Economics), Researcher, University of Mannheim.
- Bridging Growth and Development. Lecturer — Dr. NN Tarun Chakravorty, Ph.D. (Economics), Visiting professor, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
- Entrepreneurship, Development, Innovations. Lecturer — Dr. Vladislav N. Rutskiy, Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
- Political Economy of Trade Policy. Lecturer — Dr. Sergey A. Afontsev, RAS Corresponding Member, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Moscow, Russia.
The organizers of the seminars and trainings were the teachers of SibFU: Associate Professor Larisa Novopashina, Associate Professor Vladislav N. Rutskiy, Senior Lecturer Ivan Drobyshev; Assistants: Daria Shtork, Arthur Kongarov, Ekaterina Bacherikova.
Associate Professors Yaroslav Sokolovsky and Olga Sladchenko were the translators and organizers of the cultural program.
Upon completion of the "Modern Challenges in Economic Science and Practice" program the participants will be issued a Certificate (3 ECTS).